Gallery installation consisting of series of smoke-fired ceramic skulls, photographs and charred remains of found objects. Kilkenny, Ireland. 2018.
Smoke firing is a technique used by ceramic artists which utilises the elements of fire, water, air, and earth to produce organic patterns on a ceramic body. The markings on these pieces come from objects found in my late sister’s studio and garden. Friends were invited to come and wrap a bisque fired ceramic skull using found objects. The ceramic skulls were then pit fired, exhibited, and returned to them.
This is an ongoing project. The skull used is a cast of a Dia de Las Muertos skull from Mexico, traditionally used as a symbol to celebrate the life of a deceased loved one. The aim of this work is to open a dialogue regarding the processes of death and grieving, and the power of objects to provide catharsis through action. Death, the universal conclusion to life, is explored here through the remains of personal belongings and tribal ceremonies. This work was shown as a solo exhibition at the Linnenhall Gallery, Co. Mayo in June 2018.